All This Coming Soon!!
This is my special little section devoted to Appz. There are some little programs here. They range from Eleet FTP to ICQ and MiRC. There aren't too many things here but feel free to look through.

As you can see, the logo is crap and more than likely you will believe that the things here are crap, but hey its free and they're there for you to download. (I did it for free so don't be fussy)
Mortal Kombat 4 is the best fighting game in the world. It features excellent 3D graphics and if you haven't got the game, get it now.

My friend has a site devoted to MK4 (click here). I also have some midi files, if you would like one then just email me and I'll send it straight away.
This is fairly crappy and no doubt you won't find what you are looking for, but feel free to browse.

The sounds I have here range from funny to grubby. I also have included Winamp, an excellent program for playing almost every sound file.
Fairly crappy also. This is my rom section. Not much here but have a look - might be surprised.

Well this will ruin the surprise. In the Romz section is a Gameboy emulator and the SNES game Mortal Kombat.
This is a very good racing game. The zip is only 7 meg although you will need WinZip to unzip it. The graphics on this are very good although the game does slow down.

I have no idea what is required to run this game successfully. I have a P233 and it runs fine but my friend owns a P75 and it didn't seem to work. If you want it you can always download it and try.
Perhaps the best program on TV. The visuals aren't as good as the Simpsons but the show is piss funny and it also has some deeper meanings (who cares).

As you can see there are a few charaters in the show. At my site there are some episodes to download (Real Player) and some more pictures in 3D as well as some sounds. The background sound you heard can be obtained by EMailing me!!
Perhaps the worse part of my site. It contains virtually nothing, but have a look anyway.

There are some things here like a Deep Impact screensaver and some South Park themes.